The beginnings of the Barka Foundation for Mutual Help date back to June 1989, when a married couple of psychologists, Barbara and Tomasz Sadowski, in response to the growing social problems of the transformation period, wanted to create social environment and structure in which “forgotten and unwanted” members of Polish society would have a chance for personal and social development. The basis of Barka’s work is building a culture of solidarity, based on mutual help, as well as interpersonal and social relations.
During the past 35 years, a complementary system of assistance of socially excluded and marginalised people has been developed, including:
Community housing programme
Educational and reintegration programme on the basis of which the Social Employment Act was created in Poland
Affordable housing programme
Programme for creating new jobs and social cooperatives for long-term unemployed
Programme for the development of local partnerships for social inclusion
The Programme for the development of the International Barka Network (Barka Poland, Barka United Kingdom, Barka Netherlands, Barka Ireland, Barka Germany, Barka Canada)
Imparting knowledge and experience
Programmes of supporting groups in refugee crisis
The Community Housing Programme
Places to live and work for people in life crises, run by leaders who based on their own life experiences, help others develop morally, socially, spiritually and professionally where the core is mutual help and social entrepreneurship. Leaders periodically work in Barka’s overseas programmes and participate in Barka’s educational and entrepreneurial programmes, which helps to form a spirit of cooperation and unity.
The Education and Reintegration Programme
Social and vocational reintegration programmes for people at risk of social exclusion. Within this programme we implement projects such Social Integration Centre (CIS) and School For Social Animation. CIS participants rebuild work habits in vocational workshops under the supervision of an instructor. They work with companies and institutions performing various types of work, such as catering, recycling, renovation work, cleaning, catering, recycling, landscaping. They also receive internships at companies, which often result in them being employed. Participants receive integration benefits for participating in the Social Integration Centre, are entitled to insurance, vacation. The period of their stay at the CIS counts towards their future pension.
Based on this project, the Social Employment Law was introduced by Barka to Polish law system.
School for Social Animation is a project for informal general education, based on the idea of „folk universities”. This a project for formation of our behaviours, attitudes, habits.
The Social Entrepreneurship Development Programme
Barka, in partnership with the City of Poznań, has received the accreditation from the Ministry of Family Affairs, Labour and Social Policy to enable us to run Social Economy Support Centre – Wielkopolska Centre for Solidary Economy (OWES – WCES) in the Poznań subregion ( Some activities of the WCES, which are carried out among others, are in the field of animation, reintegration, general counselling, business, legal, marketing and promotion, vocational courses or training for the establishment of social enterprises (PS) and social economy entities (PES). It is also possible to obtain financial support for the creation and maintenance of jobs for people at risk of social exclusion. Financial support can be allocated, for example, for the purchase of equipment, renovations necessary to launch a social enterprise, for salaries and a subsidy to maintain the workplace. Thanks to these activities in the last few years, about 100 social enterprises and about 400 jobs places have been created in the Poznan subregion, for people who are in limbo.
The Development of Local Partnerships For Social Inclusion Programme
Cooperation with local government and private companies to create good climate for cooperation with social economy entities. Local government – thanks to social clauses – can procure from social enterprises services and their products, needed by their residents. Similarly, companies, by entering into cooperation with social enterprises, realise their social responsibility for the inclusive socio-economic development of the local community. In this way, people in crisis can actively participate in the exchange of goods and services while improving their circumstances. To date, more than 100 partnership agreements have been established in cities, municipalities and counties.
The Affordable Housing Programme
Many people we support, have experienced the crisis of homelessness and the lack of safe shelter. In cooperation with the City of Poznań, Barka, with the support of the Association for Accessible Housing, built the Darzybór estate of 32 social houses. In addition, the „Diakonia Employment Company”, of which we are a co-founder and shareholder, has built apartments for 8 families in Kwilcz.
Since 2018 – in agreement with the City of Poznań – together with other organisations, we are implementing a programme of social housing with training support.
Imparting knowledge and experience
Barka’s unique support system has led to study visits from Poland and all over the world. The participants of study visits want to learn how to effectively support people at life’s twists and turns. We have been visited by representatives of international, national and local governments, NGOs, among others from: North Macedonia, Iceland, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, Morocco, Brazil. Barka’s network also reaches out to Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Canada.
Barka’s International Network Development Programme
Covers the following countries: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, France. These are the countries where Barka’s Network organisations provides support to migrants and refugees who have not found their way into the local labour market in abroad or helps them to return to their home country. We also conduct activities to support addicts and destitute people in Canada, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo where we carry out activities to develop social integration centres and social entrepreneurship.
Supporting groups in refugee crisis
Since March 2022, we have been running a Refugee Support Centre in Poznań, mainly for refugees from Ukraine. We offer psychological, social and professional assistance, we carry out integrational activities in Poznan and smaller municipalities in cooperation with local governments from Wielkopolskie Voivodeship.
We also organise an annual Christmas Eve Supper and Easter Breakfast, which is attended in large numbers by poor and homeless people, as well as Ukrainian families and elderly.

Selected awards and outstanding recognitions granted to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help and/ or the Founders: Barbara Sadowska and Tomasz Sadowski
- The BADGE OF HONOUR for SPECIAL MERITS to THE WIELKOPOLSKIE VOIVODESHIP for Barbara Sadowska, awarded by Management Board of the Greater Poland Reginal Authority, Poznań 2024
- Special Award of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, for outstanding, innovative solutions in the field of social assistance, in the teamwork category, Warsaw 2023
- Primus in Agendo badge for special activities or contributions to the social economy for Barbara Sadowska, awarded by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Warsaw 2023
- Award from Success Pitchers for the Founder of Barka Foundation for Mutual Help- Barbara Sadowska as one of the most inspiring women in social entrepreneurship of 2023 – Lewes, USA 2023
- Euclid Network Award for the Founder of Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, Barbara Sadowska in a global competition – Title ‘TOP 100 Women in social enterprise’ – The Hague, Netherlands 2021
- Poznań City Council – Title of „Merit for the City of Poznań” for the founders of the Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, Barbara and Tomasz Sadowski, Poznań 2016
- The World CSR Congress Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help (World Corporate Social Responsibility Day) – Mumbai, India 2015
- BNP Paribas Bank Special Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – Paris, France 2014
- European Citizens’ Award, European Parliament Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – Brussels, Belgium 2014
- European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Special Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – London, England 2013
- The European Network of Cities and Regions Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help for outstanding achievements in Social Economy – Brussels, Belgium 2013
- Award of Deputy Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland for the Barka UK Chief Executive, Ewa Sadowska – for assistance to European migrants in extreme social and economic situations, London 2013
- Award of the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta by the President of the Republic of Poland to the Founders of the Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, Barbara and Tomasz Sadowski, Warsaw 2011
- World Habitat Award for Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – as part of the UN World Housing Days – Washington, USA 2009
- Award of the 20th anniversary of the Rebirth of Poland Pro Publico Bono presented to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, Kraków 2009
- Main Award of the Pro Publico Bono Foundation for “overall achievements, and in particular for the activities aimed at supporting stranded Polish emigrants in London and Dublin”, Kraków 2007
- Award from the World Bank for the Most Innovative Work presented to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help in Beijing, China 2006
- Award from Klaus Schwab Foundation – World Economic Forum – presented to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – Davos, Switzerland 2004
- Prize of the Global Development Network (GDN) in Global Competition Forum presented to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help – Cairo, Egypt 2003
- TIME Magazine ‘EUROPEAN HEROES’ Titles presented to Barbara Sadowska and Tomasz Sadowski – London, England 2003
- Silver Rose Award for Barka Foundation from the European SOLIDAR Organisation, 2001
- Medal of the Commissioner for Human Rights to Barbara Sadowska and Tomasz Sadowski, Warsaw 2000
- Pro Publico Bono distinction for the Decade of Freedom – distinction of Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek presented to Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, 1999
- Henry Ford European Conservation Award for Barka Foundation- Istanbul, Turkey 1998
- Award of the Australian Foundation for the Support of Independent Polish Culture POL CUL for Barbara and Tomasz Sadowski, 1997
- Title of ‘Innovator for the Public’ awarded to Barbara Sadowska and Tomasz Sadowski by the International Association of Social Innovators „ASHOKA”-USA, 1996
- Award to Barka Foundation from the Poland’s Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Warsaw 1996
- Title: ‘Man – a cure for all evil – Recognition for ‘Tomasz Sadowski – Super Ekspres, 1995
- Title of „Person of the Year” of the Greater Poland Region for Tomasz Sadowski ‘Wielkopolanin 1994’, ‘Głos Wielkopolski, Poznań 1994